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Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training

  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 09:00
  • 1 Feb 2024
  • 13:00
  • Virtual


  • CPFA for ISC2 South Florida Chapter Members
    (Does not apply for Newsletter-only subscribers)
  • CPFA for Non - ISC2 South Florida Chapter Members
  • The South Florida Chapter sponsors the first members to register for this training sessions

Special incentive from your ISC2 South Florida Chapter: The first members to register won't have to pay!!!

The (ISC)2 South Florida Chapter and Network Intelligence are pleased to offer this training sessions about the new version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

Given that PCI DSS V3.2.1 is set to expire by March 2024, we aim to keep you well-informed with the latest updates.

The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global standard that provides a baseline of operational & technical requirements designated to protect payment data. PCI DSS v4.0 is the next evolution of the standard. PCI DSS v4.0 replaces version 3.2.1 to address emerging threats and technologies and enable innovative methods to combat new threats. This version associate the protection of payment data with new controls to address sophisticated cyber attacks.

What is new in PCI DSS v4.0

• Meeting the security needs in PCI continuously

• Promoting security as a continuous process

• Adding flexibility and support of additional methodologies to achieve security

• Enhancing validation methods and procedure

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