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Let's meet in person!!!

  • 23 Jun 2022
  • 17:30 - 20:00
  • 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314




For the first time after COVID put breaks on live events, we're back to meet in person, and with a memorable event to celebrate! We're planning some formal presentations but it'll be mostly a social event just to be able to shake hands and meet beyond the video. 

So what makes this event memorable?

  1. Of course the fact that we're back to meet in person
  2. Our new coverage beyond the Miami boundaries! We'll be meeting members from all over South Florida!!
  3. The venue!  The new Innovation Center from Nova Southeastern University in a beautiful building with state of the art technology,  perfect central location and awesome facilities with too many features to mention, just wait and see...
  4. Catering!! Food and beverages will be provided.

We're lucky to have NSU's CISO Frank Martinez as a very enthusiastic member of the (ISC)2 South Florida board of directors! Speaking of which, be ready to meet the enhanced board with new leaders representing the larger coverage and initiatives to help us keep enriching the chapter with more benefits, learning and volunteering opportunities

 Don't miss it!

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